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venerdì 27 marzo 2020

Russian literature online!

A new e-mail reached me from the Catalan literary translation network. There are some sensible people left who don't participate in the general media-driven anti-Russian agitation but promote classic and contemporary Russian literature through translations into other languages and literatures of other countries through translations into Russian.  

Catalan literary translator Loïç Miquel Pérez Muñoz set up this blog:
with info about where you can get access to the originals and translations, for example “Растаявший снег” by Мария Гуаск translated into Catalan by the same Loïç Miquel Pérez Muñoz (all rights reserved) which can be found here.

As soon as I'm done with my overdue term papers and translation jobs I might add interlinear translations to some excerpts.

Also, let me repost a poem I translated into my native German about one and a half years ago:

Думаю о тебе  (Лев Озеров)

О тебе я хочу думать. Думаю о тебе.  
О тебе не хочу думать. Думаю о тебе.  
О других я хочу думать. Думаю о тебе.  
Ни о ком не хочу думать. Думаю о тебе.  

Übersetzung / Перевод:  

An Dich möchte ich denken. Ich denk an Dich.  
An Dich möcht ich nicht denken. Ich denk an Dich.  
An andre möcht ich denken. Ich denk an Dich.  
An niemand möcht ich denken. Ich denk an Dich.  

Translation / Catalan philology students:  Note how this action is perfectly in line with the Catalan tradition of "internationalisation" through literature and literary translation which was first written down in Modernism, for example by Manuel de Montoliu, one of the first Catalan translatologists. Of course, it is also in line with Quim Monzó's famous statement "Les llengües i les literatures no haurien de rebre mai el càstig de les estratègies geopolítiques, però el reben, i ben fort" ('Languages and literatures should never be on the receiving end of geopolitical strategies, but they are, and in a big way', official translation by Mary Ann Newman).

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